He's not promising to award any prizes, but Mark Tilden ("Koinonia"), who maintains a Selene owners website, would love to have you submit stories and photos about your Summer 2008 cruising adventures. Here's a message we received from him recently:
Ladies & Gents:
Many of you have been out cruising this summer. You've had a great time, learned some things about your boat, the area, or other things that many other Selene'rs would benefit from. SO....if you've got a cruising story (hopefully with a few photos) or something you've learned along the way, please submit it to the owner's site for our news section. I wish I could say there would be fabulous prizes for the best story....but alas, you'll have to settle for the thanks of your fellow cruisers (unless somebody out there wants to donate a fabulous prize we can give away for the best story!).
So...sit down and write a bit and send it in! Please send text and photos to: admin@seleneowners.org