Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Cruising to Alaska and the Queen Charlotte Islands with Selene owners Pat and Alex Benson ("Wild Blue")

"Seagate" at Canadian Customs, Bedwell Harbor, Pender Cove, with Poet's Cove Resort in the background (photo is from a post on the Benson and Squire blog)

Selene owner Alex Benson ("Wild Blue")wrote to tell us about the daily blog (with photos) he's been participating in this summer. Here's what he had to say:
We've been cruising to Alaska and the Queen Charlotte Islands this summer. Our three month cruise included Misty Fiords, Glacier Bay, Keku Strait, and El Capitan Passage. We've posted our daily Blog with photos at for anyone that's interested.

Alex Benson
Wild Blue

I've also added a link to their blog to the sidebar of this blog.

From left to right: Crew members Willie and Walter Benedetti and Selene owners Pat and Alex Benson (photo is from a post on the Benson and Squire blog)

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