"Living Your Dream" has been the theme of some of our recent print ads which have featured Selene owners who were living their dream. Recently, we received an e-mail from Linda and Corey Bernabucci about how they've been living their dream. I've added a link to their blog to the sidebar and reprinted their e-mail to us below:
We own Live Wire II - a 43' Solo hull #8 - and have been 'living our dream' of cruising full-time since Fall of 2004. Not once have we regretted the decision to do so on our Solo 43. Our travels have taken us from Maine south to Florida and into the Bahamas Islands. We've also explored the east and west coast of Florida, including the Keys and the Dry Tortugas. All this has been done in the comfortable surroundings of our 43' trawler!
But, our dream doesn't stop with the Bahamas. We, eventually, plan to head south for hurricane season instead of north and cruise the Caribbean Islands, Central America and Mexico. Crossing the Panama Canal and heading up the West Coast is not out of the realm of possibilities for our little ship.
We don't know if any of your readers would be interested in following our travels, but they are welcome to check out our weblog www.mvlivewire.blogspot.com, which we just developed.
If there is anything that we can do to help you promote the Selene Ocean Trawlers, please let us know.
Take care,
Linda & Corey Bernabucci
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